  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/ca4_vhatlit_iprvsh_aliv_cnpiv.jpg
    And Talit will Spread its wings
    Size: 100X100,
    Technique: Oil on canvas over acrylic
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/ca4_brct_chanim.jpg
    And the Spirit hovering over the waters
    Size: 100X100,
    Technique: Oil on canvas over acrylic, I.D. World creation, Kabbalah and Priestly Blessing
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/ca4_hathavvt_haikvm.jpg
    Origins of the universe
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/783_shagti.jpg
    My Roar
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/783_tlit_avlha_bash.jpg
    Taliton Fire
    Size: 60X50,
    Technique: Coal on paper,
    I.D. Influences of Kabbalah Judaism and being Jewish
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/cc7_asha_shmi.jpg
    My name shall be there
    Size: 115X80,
    Technique: Oil on canvas over acrylic,
    I.D. Impressions of memories written by the father about the Jew and tefillin in the concentration camp
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/cc7_prds_rimvnim.jpg
    Your plants are an orchard of pomegranates
    Technique: Oil on canvas
    I.D. The Jewish home - Kaleidoscope-
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/cc7_machri_haprgvd.jpg
    Behind the curtain
    Size: 80X80, Technique: Oil on canvas
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/72f_shiviti.jpg
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/a01_sulam1).jpg
    And here's ladder set down and his head reaches to heaven - 1
    Size: Triptych (100x150)
    Technique: Oil on canvas over acrylic
    I.D. And returned safely to my father's house
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/783_vhanha_svlm_(2).jpg
    And here's ladder set down and his head reaches to heaven - 2
    Size: Triptych (100x150)
    Technique: Oil on canvas over acrylic
    I.D. And returned safely to my father's house
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/ca4_vhanha_svlm_(1).jpg
    And here's ladder set down and his head reaches to heaven - 3
    Size: Triptych (100x150)
    Technique: Oil on canvas over acrylic
    I.D. And returned safely to my father's house
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/72f_klipvt-1.jpg
    Shells or evil and harmful creatures, related in childhood memories to fears of night-Bats. The images I selected to my works derived from the connection of knowledge, associations and personal insights.
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/72f_klipvt_-2.jpg
    Shells - 2
    Sparks overcome evil and black via bloody struggle in the spheres (circles), Bats lose their black color, and fields in white clarify the imminent color potential(5-8).
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/72f_klipvt-3.jpg
    Shells - 3
    The third representation, the bat has already lost the menacing presence and the light begins to erupt again. Spheres (circles) fill with light, goodness and the golden kingdom of sparks, blossoming, growth and opportunity to regenerate(9-12).
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/d14_a.JPG
    Receiving the universe
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/f6b_IMG_4923_1.jpg
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/677_IMG_4922_1.jpg
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/f40_IMG_4921_1.jpg
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/576_IMG_5020_1.jpg
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/d60_IMG_5040_1.jpg
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/774_IMG_5047_2.jpg
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/e1f_IMG_5054_1.jpg
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/497_IMG_5054_2.jpg
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/5f7_IMG_5064_1.jpg
  • https://www.bellalayosh.com/Assets/Images/7/7/Small/c98_59d_CAM01722_(3).jpg