Ana Becho'ah (Please God, use your force) - Buchenwald
Size: 80X100, Technique: Oil on canvas, over acrylic
Origins of the universe
Hear their outcry, and save them
Size: 80X100, Technique: Oil on canvas over acrylic
Behind the curtain
Size: 80X80, Technique: Oil on canvas
My name shall be heard
Size: 115X80, Technique: Oil on canvas over acrylic
And remembrance between your eyes
Size: 80X100, Technique: Oil on canvas over acrylic
Eternity is his fate
Size: 35X50, Technique: mixed media (pencil, coal, glass colors) on silk paper
Eternity is his fate - 1
Eternity is his fate - 2
Eternity is his fate - 3
Eternity is his fate - 4
Eternity is his fate - 5
Eternity is his fate - 6
Eternity is his fate - 7
Eternity is his fate - 8
Eternity is his fate - 9
Eternity is his fate - 10
And behold, a ladder was set on the earth with its top reaching to heaven - 1
Size: Triptych (100x150) Technique: Oil on canvas over acrylic I.D. And returned safely to my father's house
And behold, a ladder was set on the earth with its top reaching to heaven - 2
And behold, a ladder was set on the earth with its top reaching to heaven - 3
Memories are gone
Size: 80X100, Technique: Oil on canvas, mixed media Work ID: Memories from Grandma I never met and her lost table
Size: 115X80, Technique: Oil on canvas over acrylic, Work ID: ''I have set Yahweh always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.''
From the wilderness into the light
Size: Triptych (100x95; 100x75; 100x80) Technique: Acrylic on canvas mixed media I.D. Creation, rebirth and renewal after the Holocaust Artist's name: Bella Layosh